Kochschule Neun

About us

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The Kulturverein Markthalle Neun e.V. (cultural association of Markthalle Neun) creates educational programmes in the area of food, which take place in the mobile learning kitchen of the Kochschule Neun in the historic Markthalle. The collaborative and hands-on activities appeal to different age groups from the neighbourhood and beyond, and focus on sustainability, culinary enjoyment, health and participation.

Since 2014, we have been cooking, baking and fermenting together with primary school children, intercultural associations and senior and youth groups from the Kreuzberg neighbourhood in various formats - from social cooking clubs to project weeks with farm visits. The craftspeople at Markthalle Neun give a practical insight into their work and convey the (culinary) diversity of regional products and artisan foods.

The organisation sees itself as a site of lifelong learning and aims to promote the nutritional competence of different target groups. The social space-oriented nutrition and health education in the neighbourhood contributes to the transformation of the food system and is thus committed to a more sustainable and fairer coexistence. By fostering nutritional competence, the educational programmes of the Kochschule Neun are also linked to the goals of the nationwide IN FORM initiative.

Our two main projects, the Kreuzberg Ernährungswoche for primary school children from Kreuzberg 36 and "Zusammen is(s)t man weniger allein", a cooking club for senior citizens, were both awarded in 2024. The same year also saw the cookery club successfully established at other locations outside Berlin as part of a disseminator approach.

We would like to thank our funding partners.

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Here you can find our association statutes.


The educational work of the cultural association Markthalle Neun e.V. has been recognised with prestigious awards:


  • Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk

These awards emphasise the association's contribution to promoting sustainable nutrition, education and community.

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