Senior Cooking Club goes online
In October 2024, the project ‘Zusammen is(s)t man weniger allein’ (Together you eat/are less alone) by Kochschule Neun was presented as part of a multiplier workshop at the BAGSO (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Seniorenorganisationen e.V.) online conference ‘Gesund älter werden’ (‘Growing older healthily’). This format provided a wonderful opportunity to make the work of Kochschule Neun visible and to intensify the dialogue with stakeholders from all over Germany.
The project ‘Together you are less alone’ shows how cooking together can build bridges - between generations, cultures and individual life stories. Senior citizens meet regularly at the Neun cookery school to cook, enjoy and talk together. It's about much more than just recipes. It's about community, sharing experiences and counteracting the often isolating everyday life.
The presentation at the BAGSO conference emphasised the importance of such offers for well-being in old age. In addition to practical insights into the implementation of the project, the team from Kochschule Neun was able to gather valuable feedback from other experts and organisations. A key concern was to highlight the particular challenges faced by older people - be it social isolation, health restrictions or the desire to remain active and socially involved.
The project is part of the charitable work of Kochschule Neun and thrives on the support and commitment of many people. We are grateful that we can show at events such as the BAGSO conference how important it is to strengthen social cohesion in our society - with a shared meal as the centrepiece.