
Visit by the Secretary of State for Education

Image placeholder Visit by the Secretary of State for Education

Visit from the State Secretary for Education as part of the Ernährungswoche

In July 2024, the Nine Cookery School welcomed a distinguished visitor: Christina Henke, State Secretary for Education of the State of Berlin, together with other members of the Senate for Education, Youth and Family, representatives of the Chamber of Crafts and the head teachers of the partner schools, attended the final meal of the Nutrition Week, the ‘Big Meal’.

The ‘Big Meal’ marks the highlight of the nutrition week, during which pupils have the opportunity to learn basic kitchen skills, sharpen their senses and develop a conscious approach to food. The visit focussed not only on eating together and exchanging ideas in a relaxed atmosphere, but also on discussing the future role of Kochschule Neun in nutrition education and its importance for schools in Berlin.

The visit emphasised the relevance of Kochschule Neun as an educational venue and partner for integrating topics such as sustainable nutrition and practical educational programmes into everyday school life. It became clear how important cooperation between schools, educational institutions and organisations such as Kochschule Neun is in order to bring about long-term changes in nutrition education.